Sunday, 21 June 2009

Booking off ...

Hey everybody,

Following the complete shafting of Nightjack by the powers that be over his blog, I have in company with other bloggers decided to follow suit and tactically witdraw. Ive had a few difficult months with a nasy injury and really do not need any more bother as I have come off response and now do something a little more gucci which involves smashing doors in dressed in black screaming and shouting at drug dealing scumbags.

Its a sad day now the establishment have fucked us over. The truth must have really hurt them. If I had a few years to go I would have continued but Ive still got 19 years left to do and I dont want to shootmyself in the foot in that way.

Best of luck to you all and stay safe!



PC Plastic Fuzz said...

Good luck mate. I'm off too. Better to be safe than sorry, hay?

Minbu said...

It's a sad day indeed when you aren't allowed to voice your own opinions. Best of luck mate, we'll miss you.

thespecialone said...

That's the control freak government and their stooges for you.

Good luck

ben said...

best of luck mate

Semper In Faciebus, Sumus Sole Profundum Variat said...

Sorry to see you go but if you don't look after yourself you can't help others.

Bertie Humbug's Ranto-O-Matic said...

Pah, c'mon - please stay and let us know how things are on the front line?

Hogdayafternoon said...

Am always happy to pass on any unattributed rant you feel the need to vent.

Jeanette K. said...

I'm a little late at bidding you adieu, but farewell and I hope you are doing well. Maybe you can come back to blogging someday soon. Until then, stay safe!